Electrical Equipment

Electrical Equipment


ATS Board


Kennon power ATS city power automatic switch cabinet by automatic switch and which has the function of mains failure detection
• 3-second delay to override momentary utility source.
• 15-second transfer to emergency time delay to allow genset become stable after starting.
• 15-second delay after transfer to the standby power to ignore momentary voltage dips on the generator during initial loading.
• 5-minute delay on retransfer to for utility stablizing prior to transferring the load back to utility.
• 1-minute unloading running time delay for engine cool-down before shutdown.
 The automatic fault detection/electric load switch system
 Double machine double standby power supply system


Synchronous panel


Kennon power to provide customers a variety of Synchronize solutions, including paralleled with the uninterrupted power supply switch, peak shaving, multimachine parallel connection of the unit, etc.Synchronize control cabinet can configure our company independent development of PLC control system, the traditional we Synchronize system.
>> The Synchronize control system based on Smartgen ComAp Deepsea and Deif control panel.

• Operation modes: Auto, manual, test (load & no load)
• Breaker configuration: MCB, GCB, no breaker
• Load sharing via CAN bus
• Breaker control: Synchronization, open-close control, only-open control, breaker monitoring
• Load transfer features: Open/closed transition, interchange, soft loading/soft unloading, mains parallel
• Process dependent start/stop logic by free configurable inputs, Water temperature, fuel reserve, reserve power, timers and others
• Complete engine, generator, and mains protection with 3-phase true RMS AC sensing
• Multi-lingual capability: 10 languages, English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese Italian, French, Turkish, Portuguese, Russian
• Flexible and multifunctional Dynamic LCD
• True rms sensing of voltage
• True rms sensing of current/power
• Counters for engine starts, operating hours, maintenance call, active/reactive energy
• Event recorder (300 entries, FIFO) with real-time clock
• 10 discrete inputs / 12 discrete outputs
• 16 additional discrete I/Os via IKD 1 extension board
• 3 analog inputs / 2 analog outputs
• PC and/or front panel configurable
